For concerts, news, videos, etc., see our Facebook page
For concerts, news, videos, etc., see our Facebook page
In October 2025, the choir joined in at the Derry International Choir Festival.
What an afternoon singing at the Colmicille Choir charity concert at the First Derry Presbyterian Church. Here’s a video of us singing with the Colmcille choir
Following in others’ footsteps?
The choir singing to celebrate and promote Wales and Welsh produce for St David’s Day. The invitation came from Morrisons Wrexham.
Since the early 1950s the Choir has been singing, travelling, competing, entertaining and socialising. We are a strong Choir of about 40 members, you don’t need to be a musician or able to read music, all you need is to have a love and enjoyment of singing.
There is no better time to join the Choir – we have just been invited to sing at The Millennium Stadium at the World cup warm up game against Ireland at the end of August this year. There is no better feeling in the world than singing Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau standing in the middle of pitch with the team and thousands of Welsh supporters.
We meet every Wednesday night at 8.00pm in Pennant Village Hall, Penybontfawr.
Come and have a sing song with us or just come and listen to see if it’s for you.
If you do fancy joining us, we don’t expect you to be able to attend every practice or function because we all have other commitments as well. Please come and have a go -we’d love to see you. By the way, we have a lot of fun as well.
Just come to a practice or phone Huw Morris on 01691 860220 or Alwyn Williams on 01691 648066 for more information there will be a warm welcome for you.
We are the only Male voice choir in the area, the future of the Choir depends on finding new members to keep this proud Choir going well into the future.
Following the Summer benefit concert in aid of the High School in Llanfyllin, the choir chairman, Huw Morris present a cheque of over £2000 to the Head, Mr Dewi Owen, and Deputy-head Llyr Thomas.
The Cor Meibion Penybontfawr along with the visiting St Edmundsbury Choir gave a benefit concert on 28th July. At the start of the school term, the choir made the presentation to the headteacher, Mr Dewi Owen.
Our long-serving accompanist, Linda Thomas, has decided to retire in March 2019 having being in the position for many, many years and has been one of its most loyal and dedicated supporters.
As a consequence, we are looking for a new Accompanist for the Penybont male Voice Choir.
We rehearse once a week on a Wednesday evening from 8.00pm until 9.30pm. If you would like to find out more details, contact Bryan Davies the Choir Secretary via the contact page.
Gyda tristwch dwys bu i Gor Meibion Penybontfawr dderbyn y newyddion trist am farwolaeth yr Arglwyddes Hooson yn 91 oed. Yn ystod yr ymarfer arferol at Nos Fercher death y newyddion i wybodaeth y cor – a bu mumud o ddistawrwydd yn ystod y cyfarfod fel tystiolaeth or enfawr barch sydd gan y cor ir teulu arbenning hyn. Mi r`oedd Yr Arglwyddes ac hefyd y diweddar Arglwydd Emlyn Hooson yn hael iawn eu cefnogaeth, eu cymorth ac hefyd ei cyfeilgarwch tuag at Gor Meibion Penybontfawr yn eu swyddi fel Llywyddion ac hefyd Gwarcheidwadion ond yn bennaf fel gyfeillion cryf.
Bydd gwasanaeth y cynhebrwng yn cael ei gynnal yng Nghapel Presbyteriaid Cymraeg Ffordd China, Llanidloes am hanner dydd, Sadwrn 5ed. o Fai.
Mae cydymdeimladau dwys y Cor hefo`r teulu yn gyfangwbwl a bydd aelodau`r Cor yn bresenol yn y gwasanaeth i dalu ein teurnged olaf i deulu annwyl, mawr bydd ein colled an diolchgarwch.
It is with very great sorrow that the choir learned of the death at the age of 91 of Lady Hooson.
During the choir practice of 25th April, on the communication of this news, the choir stood in silence as a mark of respect. She and her late husband have been generous patrons and staunch supporters of the choir over many long years.
The funeral service is to take place at noon on Saturday 5th May at the China Street Welsh Presbyterian Chapel in Llanidloes. Our thoughts are very much with the family, and members the choir will attend the funeral to condole and pay our final respects.